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Importing Legacy Maps


Map Maker is based on a gamemode of the same name (previously known as Parkour Maker) from a 1.8 server called Omega Parkour that ran from mid-2020 to late-2022. During that time, over 40,000 unique maps were created. If you were part of that era and would like to download your map or transfer it to publish in the new Map Maker, this document will outline the steps needed.


<ID> Argument:

A four-digit alphanumeric legacy ID from the old Map Maker.

Viewing Legacy Maps

/map legacy list

Lists a paginated set of your legacy maps in chat, ten at a time.

Importing a Legacy Map

/map legacy import <ID>

Imports your defined legacy map into one of your map slots.


You must have an empty map slot available for this to work.

Exporting a Legacy Map

/map legacy export <ID>

Exports your defined legacy map as region files into a downloadable zip file format.